Men’s meeting now WEDS 9TH FEB

Hi Everyone,

I hope that you all had a great Christmas and New Year. It is now only a few weeks before the Bowling Season starts and you are invited to come to the Men’s Meeting to discuss the season ahead and various competitions that you can enter.

Firstly, I was asked to rearrange the date from Thursday 10th to Wednesday 9th at the earlier time of 6.30pm as a number of our Men players are involved in an indoor league on Thursday evenings.
Please note the change of date and time; the meeting will still be at Lyndhurst Community Centre

This will be a very informal evening where beer and wine together with sandwiches and nibbles will be made available. To help cover the cost of hiring the hall and providing refreshments I would ask Members to make a contribution of £5 each on the night.

However, in order for me to be able to provide sufficient food and drinks I need to know who will be attending in advance, so please could you either call me or send a text message saying that you will be attending, my mobile number is zero77eightnine 8988twofive. You may also confirm attendance by sending me an email, my email address is: alliade1977 [AT] gmail [DOT] com

Please could I ask you to confirm your attendance to me by Sunday 6th February at the latest.

I look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible and let’s make the 2022 playing season a great one for the Club. Please remember the Club needs your support to get involved in all of the Club and external matches including the Friendly games.

Kind Regards


Men’s Captain

3 thoughts on “Men’s meeting now WEDS 9TH FEB

  1. david haslam

    I regret that I shall be unable to attend the men’s meeting on the 9th February. Best wishes David Haslam

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  2. Gillian Edwards

    Hi. Steve Edwards is planning to attend, however I understand that there are planned closures on the A35 through Ashurst and Lyndhurst week commencing 7th February from 8pm to 6am so he may not be able to get there!!!

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